Monday, July 13, 2020

A Neighbor's Comments (Zoraster)

In 1947 or -48, when I was about two years old, we (my parents and I) were living in a small house on Vanowen Street, next to my dad's business (Albert's Mfg. & Supply, previously the Zoraster Hatchery. at 16115 Vanowen). The commercial hen cage systems my dad was making were selling well, and more little Zorasters were on the way. So dad bought a big lot around the corner on Woodley, and mom met with a local contractor. He (I don't remember his name) had just built your house. He had mom tour your then new house, which she did (she knew your family, probably from both Van Nuys and UCLA). Mom brought back ideas from your house, and the contractor drew up plans and a budget. Dad thought the plans were fine, but not the cost. So things got cut - specifically the fireplace. Which I remember mom complaining about. Since the family grew to four boys, all who went through a pyromaniac phase, it was probably a blessing. One of the photos shows one of you standing in front of house with everything covered with snow. We have a similiar picture, of me and my cousin, in our front yard. with everything covered in snow. It was during the winter of 1948-49, and I think it was the first time my dad had ever seen snow. Best of everything to you all, Dave Zoraster

editors note
 ps Here is an earlier post from Dave with pictures.

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